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We will gain many benefits by being kind.

, being a kind person helps us to become a happier person. We will have a feel of satisfaction after helping or doing something for others. Researchers have found that some felt happier when they remember a time they bought something for someone else. Moreover, they feel even happier when they buy something for themselves. It does not matter how big or small our help is to others, if it makes someone happy, the happiness gained is priceless.

     Second, kindness is contagious. When we are kind, we are actually inspiring others to be kind. An act of kindness spreads outwards, touches other lives, inspires and spreads the waves of kindness. Kindness is a continuous good deed that if we help others there will be possibilities of others helping us back through many different ways. When unnecessary gossips can easily be spread, then why don’t we spread kindness instead. Kindness is worth spreading than anything else. Show kindness at anytime and anywhere possible.

   Third, kindness improves relationships. There is something general about everyone, which is that we like people who shows us kindness. Kindness reduces emotional distance between two individuals. It also creates and enhances relationships that provides them with a closer bonding with one another. Kindness in relationship comes in form of cooperating, forgiving, sharing and caring. In today’s world, kindness helps to gain new relationships and strengthens existing relationships as well.

    Fourth, kindness can help us increase our self-esteem. Being kind to others causes people to return the favor back to us. This makes us feel better about ourselves. We may feel as if, we are in an environment filled with good vibes, happiness and kindness. You are actually being kind, not only to others but also to help increase your own self-esteem. It is good to be kind but do not be overly kind because others might take advantage on us. You need to emphasize and give importance to yourself first, only then you can successfully help others in need.

     Fifth, kindness makes the world a better place. Kindness comes in various forms of acts. It does not have any rules or limitations to be kind. We do not have to be kind only to the people who are the same religion as us. Why? Does being kind to people of different religions a sin? All we need to do is be kind to those in need without any bias or hatred towards one another.